Afternoon Tea with Becky Bettesworth Seafood Feast event
I am so excited about this… Join me for an afternoon tea and talk about my coastal art 13th Oct 12-2pm at Hampton by Hilton, Torquay
As part of the Seafoodfeast event join me for this fun and informal afternoon where I will be sharing my journey and what inspires me. With a chance to ask questions with free signing on all purchases sold.

Limited spaces, please book at
and I can’t wait to meet you, there will be a very special free personalised gift on the day too with love from Becky x
Seafood Feast Hampton by Hilton Torquay Hampton by Hilton Devon Live Devon Life Magazine Visit South Devon #beckybettesworth #seafoodfeast #meettheartist #freesigning #gift #devonartist #seasideprints #seasideposters
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