CONGRATULATIONS on your Amazing Artwork of Love Keeps Us Together

Thankyou so much for continuing to share with me your incredible artwork and creations of the Free Download 'Love Keeps Us Together.'
I love seeing all your master pieces and the colours you have chosen, each one is unique and I do hope you have had fun creating them and then pop them up on the fridge, notice board or wall. I personally love having the stillness and time to be creative, I get lost into a different world, where time seems to stand still and there is a stillness and calm which is simply magical and beautiful. This can really help as a mindfulness project and can help to relieve stress and anxiety for all ages. You can sit and create around the kitchen table with your family, or on your own maybe with some music on in the background and the windows or doors open to hear the birds tweeting, then actually being safe at home is the best place to be.
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