FREE Downloads Creative Art Project
This is a completely FREE download and can be printed off at home onto A4 paper.
I have created the attached x2 A4 prints for you to download and be creative. I thought that whilst people are at home and parent's are home schooling I would share some free downloadable pictures for you to create your own artwork.
I hope these downloadable prints bring fun and joy to you. Just click to add to your cart and then go to the checkout. You will not be charged. You will receive your free downloadable picture/pictures as you checkout.
What I hope is that people can then share photos of their pictures and beautiful creations and we can create a massive collage of them all together xxx
I look forward to seeing all your amazing artwork. Please share either by email or on social media by tagging me and using the following hashtags:
#beckybettesworth #lovekeepsustogether #faithhopelove
I am really excited about launching this art project. It is a real privilege when I am invited into schools to talk to children about creating their own travel poster or quote poster through an art project and I try to visit two schools each term to do this. I am always in awe at the talent that I see and the enthusiasm from the children and staff.
I loved my art teacher at primary school especially Mrs Hare (you are a legend). I was never academic, but art was always my thing. So if I can help to big up the arts and boost and inspire any young budding talent then that makes me very happy.
Love as always Becky x
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