Library Opening at Torquay Girls' Grammar School
I recently had the pleasure of being invited in to Torquay Girls Grammar School to open their new Library, to give them an inspirational talk including some questions & answers and to judge a book poster competition.
The talent of the young people amazed me, all the book posters were of outstanding quality – it was extremely difficult to pick a winner!
I was really impressed by the new facility available to all the students, It's amazing how libraries have changed over the years to now being an all inclusive and essential part of the school. All credit to the head and the pupils especially who organised, fundraised and made the whole thing possible. It must be now so incredibly rewarding for them to sit back and enjoy this new space, knowing that it was their hard work and vision that made possible.
I also donated one of my posters Dream Big to be displayed in the library and to remind all of the students to be aspirational and have self belief that they can achieve their goals in life.
It was lovely to receive this message from them:
'I just wanted to say a huge thank you for attending our event yesterday. Your enthusiasm and passion for your chosen Profession is really inspiring and was the perfect message for our students. Your Dream Big print will be a constant reminder of this lovely occasion and will be proudly displayed pride of place!'
I was delighted to see that it was featured too in the local newspaper and headlined
"New library opened as girls are urged to Dream Big"
in the article is says that "Becky led a question and answer session with students and provided invaluable advice about finding a passion in life and maintaining a resilient attitude when challenges are presented."

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